Wing Chun Techniques Glossary
Article by Dan Knight added on 6 Aug 2012. Last updated on 23 May 2013.
A glossary of Wing Chun hand techniques
This is a growing list of Wing Chun Techniques. You can click on the techniques to see pictures descriptions and information about them. Remember to check back for updates.
Techniques In Chinese Alphabetical Order
Please note that Sau roughly translates to hand. Hence most names end in Sau, ie slapping hand, or the receiving hand etc. It is sometimes spelled Sao the sound is the same but in the west it techniques can be Sau or Sao.
Biu Sao

The Biu Sao or thrusting fingers is one of the many Wing Chun moves which can be use both as a block and as a strike. It can be used to deflect any attack around shoulder height or above. Or it can be use to strike to the eyes and throat. More on Biu Sau...
Bong Sao

The Bong Sao or wing arm is quite a complex Wing Chun movement that features largely in the systems forms. It is ideal for deflecting punches last second or when the wrists are being controlled. More on Bong Sau...
Fak Sao

The Fak Sao is a chop that can be used as a block or a strike and will be first learnt from Sil Lim Tao Wing Chun's first form. It can be useful for defending and attacking an opponent who is not in front if the practitioner (off the centreline). This move is similar but not the same as the Mann Sao. More on Fak Sau...
Fook Sau

The fook Sao is used to bridge on an opponents arm. It is relatively simple but effective Wing Chun movement that features largely in the systems first form. It is primarily used in Chi Sau but can be applied as a deflection/block, or to control after a different technique. More on Fook Sau...
Gaun Sau (low)

The low Gaun Sao or Splitting block is used to block attacks to the mid section. It is an essential part of the Wing Chun blocking arsenal. More on Gaun Sau...
Gum Sau

The gum Sao or pinning hand is found in the first form and is used as a block or to pin an opponents arm (hence its name), It is often used in chi Sao. More on Gum Sau...
Huen Sau

The Huen Sao or circling hand is an essential Wing Chun technique found throughout the systems 3 hand forms. It can be performed clockwise or anticlockwise depending on the situations need. More on Huen Sau...

Ju-Cheung is a powerful 'sideward palm' strike that uses the heel of the palm to strike an opponent. More on Ju-Cheun...
Jum Sau

The Jum Sau is yet another technique which can be used both as a block and a strike however; it is one of the few Wing Chun blocks which is performed with power, that is not to say the block uses a clash of force just that power is applied to 'strike' when blocking to cause damage the aggressor. More on Jum Sau...
Jut Sau

The Jut Sau or sinking hand is an extremely effective block which can throw the balance of the opponent whilst leaving the practitioners hand in the perfect place for a counter strike. More on Jut Sau...
Kau Sau
The Kau Sau is a Huen Sau motion using the hips (Yiu Ma) to turn. This technique is found in the third form Biu Gee and the Wing Chun dummy form. Many schools do not consider this a technique in its own right. They simply treat it as a turning Huen Sau. More info coming soon
Kop Sau
The Kop Sau (or Cup Sao) or downward hand is a movement found in the second form Chun Kiu. The Kop Sao is not strictly a technique in its own right it is a blend of Pak Sao and Jut Sao. The Kop Sao can be applied practically and it is also used in Chi Sao. More info coming soon
Kop Jarn
Kop Jarn is a downward elbow motion which is repeatedly performed in the 3rd form and can be used both as a block or a powerful close range strike. More info coming soon ...
Kwan Sau
Kwan Sau is a relatively complex rotating arm motion which can be used to block or roll out of a trap and is found in the dummy form. More info coming soon
Lan Sau
The Lan Sau or bar arm, is a lifting block / bridging technique. It looks similar to the Bong Sau but unlike the Bong Sau the arm forearm is level with the shoulders and more or less parallel to the body and the rotation in the forearm is up not across. More info coming soon
Lap Sau
The Lap Sau is an interesting technique that destroys the balance and structure of an opponent using a short sharp pull. It has many uses most of which will be accompanied by a strike to deliver devastating force. More info coming soon ...
Lin Wan Kuen
Lim Wan Kuen or chain punching describes the rapid delivery of straight punches from the centerline. More info coming soon
Mann Sau
Mann Sau or inquisitive arm is used to gain contact with the opponent and can be used to block in a variety of ways. More info coming soon
Pak Sau
The Pak Sau or slapping hand is a simple yet effective deflecting technique which is like many Wing Chun moves is the adaptation and refinement of a natural reflex to being attacked. More on Pak Sau...
Pie Jarn
Pie Jarn is a horizontal hacking elbow strike that can be performed turning towards the target or away from the target. The power for it is developed in Chun Kiu. More info coming soon...
Po Pai Cheung
Po Pai is a complex double palm motion found in the Dummy form of the Wing Chun system, it should be used, push or aggressively advance whilst maintaining positioning and control of the opponent in the centre line. More info coming soon
Tan Sau
Tan Sau or receiving hand is an essential, common and yet effective Wing Chun block, this is found largely in the first form and dummy form. More on Tan Sau...
Tie Sau
Tie Sau or rising arm is a motion found in the first form and utilizes long bridge energy to block from low to high without bending the elbow or withdrawing the arm. More info coming soon
Tok Sau
Tok Sau or lifting hand can be used to lift an opponents guard at the elbow in order to strike them or to throw them off balance. More info coming soon
Wu Sau
The Wu Sau or guard hand should always remain up when a hand is not in use as an extra failsafe cover. The Wu Sao should be in the perfect position to be launched forward as a block or strike. More info coming soon
Sub categories for Techniques Glossary
Biu Sau
Biu Sau is a very important Wing Chun technique. It is found in most of the forms. Biu Sau is sometimes called Bill Sao. Learn to master it.
Bong Sau
Bong Sau is a unique Wing Chun technique. It is found in all of the hand forms. Bong Sau is sometimes called Bong Sao. It means Wing Arm and is a deflection/block.
Tan Sau
Tan Sau is a Wing Chun technique. Tan Sau is sometimes called Tann Sao. It means receiving hand and is a deflection / block.
Fook Sau
Fook Sau is a Wing Chun Technique. Fook Sau is the rest on hand. Fook Sau is vital to Chi Sau and is seen in first form.
Pak Sau
The Pak Sao is one of the fundemantal Wing Chun blocks. The practitioner uses the palm of the hand to deflect attacks past the body. The Pak Sau is a variation and refinement of a natural human reflex many people already posses.
Fak Sau
Fak Sau is an important Wing Chun Technique that means whisking hand. it is used to block and strike. Fak Sao is important in Chi Sau.
Gum Sau
Gum Sau or pinning hand is a Wing Chun technique used to block and trap. Gum Sau comes from first form.
Huen Sau
Huen Sau, sometimes called Huen Sao or circling hand features regularly in the Wing Chun forms. It is used to move safely to the inside or outside of an opponents guard particularity in Chi Sau.
Gaun Sau
Gaun Sau is a Wing Chun technique and means splitting block. Gaun Sau is done high and low and protects from attacks. Its sometimes called Gann Sao.
Ju Cheung
Ju Cheung is a powerful ‘sideward palm’ strike that uses the heel of the palm to strike an opponent.
Jum Sau
he Jum Sau is yet another technique which can be used both as a block and a strike however; it is one of the few Wing Chun blocks which is performed with power, that is not to say the block uses a clash of force just that power is applied to ‘strike’ when blocking to cause damage the aggressor.
Jut Sau
Jut Sau is short sharp deflecting technique used in Wing Chun to deal with punches.
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TechniquesBiu SauBong SauTan SauFook SauFak SauGum SauGaun SauHuen SauPo PiWu SauChain PunchingLin Wan Kuen