Wooden Dummy Plans
Article by Dan Knight added on 29 Aug 2012. Last updated on 16 Oct 2012.
Technical Drawings
The technical drawings bellow can be used to create your own Wooden Dummy for training Wing Chun. The Jong as it is referred to in Cantonese is used to train the techniques for the Wing Chun system. These dummy plans are based around the specifications of Hong Kong Wall mounted Wooden Dummies. The Wooden Dummy sometimes called the wooden Man is used to practice the Mok Yang Jong form.
Thanks to James for the drawings
Click the images bellow to expand or use the 4 links's to go straight to the image:
Dummy Trunk
Frame plans
Dummy Leg
Dummy Arms

Image of a home made dummy using these plans:

Types of Wooden Dummy
There are many different types of wooden dummy, the plans on this page are for a traditional wall mounted dummy.
Hong Kong Dummy
When the late grandmaster Ip Man moved to Hong Kong from China there was no where to dig a wooden dummy into the ground as the area is so built up. So to counter this problem the wall mounted wooden dummy was born. The dummy offers the same amount of movement as traditional ground mounted dummies but can be put on any wall. This dummy actually offers a much better feel than the traditional Chinese dummies in many peoples opinion, especially if the back supports are made from a springy wood.

Traditional Chinese Jong
Traditionally in China a hole was dug into the ground and the dummy was driven in with a little room around the trunk so it could move. A large part of the trunk would have to be buried in this way and although a very simple solution it can lead to rotting of the wood and does require being able to dig in excess of 1 meter into the ground.
Modern Free Standing Dummy
In recent years many people rent property or training halls and so cant bolt a dummy to the wall (or dig it into the ground). This has given rise to the free standing wooden dummy which whilst not as nice to train on as a good wall mounted dummy it does offer a practical and easy to move option. The biggest problem is keeping this kind of dummy in one place when training yui-ma and ging.
Hybrid Wooden Dummy
Somewhere between a portable dummy and the traditional Hong Kong wall mounted version the hybrid has a rack mount that mimics the Hong Kong style but is portable. We now have some of these in stock. Free standing frame dummy.
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Wooden DummyMok Yang JongEquiptmentWooden Dummy Plans