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Wing Chun articles containing the tag Technique
This page lists all articles and images on the Martial Art Wing Chun Kung Fu that have the tag Technique
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Technique tagged pages
The folowing are articles that have the tag "Technique" in them. You can click through to each articles to read more information about it.
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The Wing Chun Forms
Article by Dan Knight written on 11 Jul 2012
The martial art Wing Chun has just three hand forms, one form perfomed against a wooden dummy and two weapons forms.
Techniques Glossary
Article by Dan Knight written on 6 Aug 2012
This is a list of hand techniques found in the Wing Chun Kung Fu system. Learn about the techniques that this martial art uses.
Principles vs Techniques
Article by Dan Knight written on 3 Aug 2012
Wing Chun is an art in which principles are more important than specific techniques. This does not mean that Wing Chun does not have techniques. It means that at the root of all techniques are underlying principles.
Biu Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 25 Aug 2012
Biu Sau is a very important Wing Chun technique. It is found in most of the forms. Biu Sau is sometimes called Bill Sao. Learn to master it.
Bong Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Bong Sau is a unique Wing Chun technique. It is found in all of the hand forms. Bong Sau is sometimes called Bong Sao. It means Wing Arm and is a deflection/block.
Tan Sau
Article by Oliver Sherrington written on 30 Aug 2012
Tan Sau is a Wing Chun technique. Tan Sau is sometimes called Tann Sao. It means receiving hand and is a deflection / block.
Fook Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Fook Sau is a Wing Chun Technique. Fook Sau is the rest on hand. Fook Sau is vital to Chi Sau and is seen in first form.
Pak Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
The Pak Sao is one of the fundemantal Wing Chun blocks. The practitioner uses the palm of the hand to deflect attacks past the body. The Pak Sau is a variation and refinement of a natural human reflex many people already posses.
Fak Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Fak Sau is an important Wing Chun Technique that means whisking hand. it is used to block and strike. Fak Sao is important in Chi Sau.
Gum Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Gum Sau or pinning hand is a Wing Chun technique used to block and trap. Gum Sau comes from first form.
Huen Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Huen Sau, sometimes called Huen Sao or circling hand features regularly in the Wing Chun forms. It is used to move safely to the inside or outside of an opponents guard particularity in Chi Sau.
Gaun Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 30 Aug 2012
Gaun Sau is a Wing Chun technique and means splitting block. Gaun Sau is done high and low and protects from attacks. Its sometimes called Gann Sao.
Jum Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 19 May 2013
he Jum Sau is yet another technique which can be used both as a block and a strike however; it is one of the few Wing Chun blocks which is performed with power, that is not to say the block uses a clash of force just that power is applied to ‘strike’ when blocking to cause damage the aggressor.
Jut Sau
Article by Dan Knight written on 20 May 2013
Jut Sau is short sharp deflecting technique used in Wing Chun to deal with punches.
Martial Arts Principles and Techniques
Article by David Jarrett written on 5 Nov 2012
This is a review of the book Wing Chun Martial Arts: Principles and Techniques written by Yip Chun with Danny Connor. The review is by Wing Chun coach David Jarrett.