Portugal Wing Chun Training Camp 2013
Article by Dan Knight added on 27 Apr 2013. Last updated on 27 Apr 2013.
Ip Man Wing Chun training camp photos
A selection of photos from the 2013 Ip Man Wing Chun training camp lead by Grand Master Samuel Kwok. The week long training camp covered everything Wing Chun related.

A special thank you
I would like to say a special thank you to Master Samuel Kwok for teaching for around 6 hours each day! Everyone who attended learned so much and the Wing Chun knowledge being shared was fantastic.
Thank you also to Laura Jenney and Cindy Kwok who took most of these fantastic photos.
Thanks also to Antonio Carlos who helped organise the trip and brought his wooden dummies for people to train on. Thanks also to Dimira of Dimira-Martial Dummies who brought 5 additional dummies to train on during the trip.
All photos are the property of the Samuel Kwok Martial Arts Association or its members, if you wish to re-use them or have any photos taken down please contact the web admin team using the top navigation.