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Wing Chun articles containing the tag Theory
This page lists all articles and images on the Martial Art Wing Chun Kung Fu that have the tag Theory
Theory tagged images
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Theory tagged pages
The folowing are articles that have the tag "Theory" in them. You can click through to each articles to read more information about it.
Sub Categories
Kung Fu Theory
Article by Dan Knight written on 3 Aug 2012
Articles on the theories, principles and methods of training the martial art of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Ip Man and his teachings
Article by Billy Davidson written on 21 Jul 2012
Many students have said there Wing Chun has come direct from Ip Man and some say that they were his senior student or indoor disciple. Being political about Wing Chun was something Ip Man would not even consider within his world of Kung Fu.
Wing Chun Kuen Kuit
Article by Dan Knight written on 21 Jul 2012
The Kuen Kuit Chops of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Part of the legacy Ip Man left behind was the set of chops he commissioned his student Moy Yat to make.
Ip Ching on Sil Lim Tau
Article by Ip Ching written on 23 Jul 2012
Grandmaster Ip Ching (Sometimes spelled Yip Ching) talks about Wing Chuns first form Sil Lim Tao (sometimes spelled Siu Nim Tao) and how to train it properly.
Ip Ching on Wooden Dummy
Article by Ip Ching written on 23 Jul 2012
Tips to practising the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Techniques and form by Grandmaster Ip Ching.
Principles vs Techniques
Article by Dan Knight written on 3 Aug 2012
Wing Chun is an art in which principles are more important than specific techniques. This does not mean that Wing Chun does not have techniques. It means that at the root of all techniques are underlying principles.
Strength and Ging
Article by Dan Knight written on 3 Aug 2012
Ging (sometimes Jing) is an important concept for martial arts and describes how a person generates and uses power.
The stages of learning
Article by Tony Massengil written on 3 Aug 2012
The stages of learning a martial art. Extract taken from Chapter 3 of Master Kwok's book Mastering Wing Chun.
Softness in the Art of Wing Chun
Article by Steven Williams written on 17 Oct 2012
The use of Softness in the Art of Wing Chun, by Steven Williams. Hard and soft energy use in Kung Fu.
Martial Arts Principles and Techniques
Article by David Jarrett written on 5 Nov 2012
This is a review of the book Wing Chun Martial Arts: Principles and Techniques written by Yip Chun with Danny Connor. The review is by Wing Chun coach David Jarrett.
What we can learn from martial arts
Article by Manfred Bortenschlager written on 7 Nov 2013
This post falls under the category personal efficiency and highlights how Wing Chun principles apply to general life.
How long have you been doing Wing Chun
Article by Dan Knight written on 3 Mar 2014
In this article I explore why it's meaningless to ask the question: How long have you been doing Wing Chun? I will also look at the plateau in training and how to improve again.