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Wing Chun articles containing the tag Leung Jan

This page lists all articles and images on the Martial Art Wing Chun Kung Fu that have the tag Leung Jan

Leung Jan tagged images

The following are images that have the tag "Leung Jan" in them.
You can click to expand the images and see the image titles and other tags they contain.

The Prodigal Son Film 1981.jpg

Leung Jan tagged pages

The folowing are articles that have the tag "Leung Jan" in them. You can click through to each articles to read more information about it.

Sub Categories

Ther are no sub categories for this tag.


Interview with Grandmaster Yip Man

Article by Ip Man written on 22 Jan 2014
The Following interview comes from an old issue of Hong Kong New Martial Hero magazine – it is one of the two ever published interviews with Yip Man sifu.

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